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Some Projects




18° Festival of Contemporary Art Sesc VideoBrasil | SESC Pompéia |São Paulo | Brazil


Ralph Gibson and Larry Clark | MIS | São Paulo | Brazil


Renato Russo Sinfonic | Stadium Mané Garrincha | Brasília | Brazil


From the Margin to the Edge - Somerset House | London | UK


Europalia Project  - Panoramas do Rio - Venetiaanse Gaanderijen | Oostend | Belgium


17° Contemporary Art International Festival – Competitive Show - SESC Pompéia and SESC Belenzinho | São Paulo |Brazil


Oscar Niemeyer: The Geometry of Freedom | Macau’s Museum of Art | Macau | China


COP 16 – Stand Brazil | Cancún | México


Caio Rezeivitz | CCBB-RJ | Rio de Janeiro | Brazil


Urban Manners 2 | SESC Pompéia | Sao Paulo | Brazil


Carlos Vergara | MAM-RJ | Rio de Janeiro | Brazil


Regina Silveira - Tropel (Reversed) Køge | Køge Museum | Køge | Denmark


ARCO 2008 Project | International Contemporary Art Fair | Madrid | Spain



Handling and distribution nationwide of 6,000 boxes of chocolates as gifts for employees of a multinational.


Handling and distribution nationwide of kits with more than 20 items of products totaling about 1,000 units, for more than 26 branches of a multinational, for end of year festivities.


Handling and distribution nationwide of 400 sticker albums for employees of a multinational.


Delivery of 150 invitations to a commemorative party of a company.


Storage, packaging and distribution of 150 free gifts with high added value for a credit card company.


Collecting, delivery and subsequent return of 200 Brazilian industrial products for a governmental exhibition.

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